Sunday, January 24, 2010

TANGRAM: Ancient Chinese moving piece puzzle, consisting of 7 geometric shapes.

click in this link to make your own tangram at home
(pincha neste enlace para facer o teu propio tangram na casa)
tangram pattern:

learn about tangram: its history, and more things (only English)
(aprende acerca do tangram: a súa historia e máis cousas (só inglés)


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Friday, January 8, 2010

Relaxing Piano

This was a very interesting activity! we had to listen to music and draw what we decided expressing our feellings .... Firstable they were a bit shy.... but at the end the activity aim was absolutely achieved!!!: have fun and relax through the music!!

(Esta foi unha actividade moi interesante! tiñamos que escoitar música e dibuxar o que cada un decidira expresando os seus sentimentos.... o principio estabamos un pouco cortadiños... pero ó final o obxectivo da actividade foi absolutamente conseguido!!! : disfrutar e relaxarse grazas á música!!)